Head Coach Information


The SOO - Stratford & Area Head Coach Information below is supplemental to that provided in the SOO web site Information Portal.

Athlete Registration

All athletes participating in SOO - Stratford & Area sports must be duly registered with both SOO and SOO - Stratford & Area.  As such, each athlete must complete an Athlete Registration Form and pay the appropriate fees.  An athlete is not insured until his/her Athlete Registration Form has been processed by both our Registrar, Jane Larkworthy, and the SOO office. 

Athletes may register after a given sport season has started (i.e., after the sport registration sessions have been completed) should space permit.  


Head coaches will be responsible to submit budget/planning forms at the beginning of each sport season.  Completed budget/planning forms must include the following for each activity: date, activity type, location, whether or not a bus is required, travel distance (return), whether a cheque is required and, if so, the amount of the cheque and date required, athlete fee, coach fee and any comments.   All sport-related expenses must be pre-approved by the Executive Committee of SOO - Stratford & Area.  Budget/planning forms may be updated and re-submitted, as necessary, over the course of the season.

Coaching Courses

Our current policy is to pay for coaching, first aid, CPR and similar courses providing funds are available.


SOO - Stratford & Area is responsible for raising funds for the SOO - Stratford & Area Sport Club programs.

Only activities falling within SOO’s guidelines and regulations as set forth by the City of Stratford  may be undertaken.

All fundraising is to be conducted in a manner which maintains the image and reputation of SOO is maintained.

SOO is solely responsible for issuing receipts for income tax purposes.

All fundraising events must be coordinated through the SOO - Stratford & Area Fundraising Coordinator, Tracy Dickenson.  This prevents multiple individual sport clubs approaching the same potential donor and ensures that one central person is aware of all fundraising activities.  All funds raised by individuals or groups must be sent to the SOO - Stratford & Area Treasurer (Steve Wray) for deposit in the SOO - Stratford & Area bank account.

Funds Received

All cheques, bank drafts, money orders and other financial instruments must be made payable to SOO - Stratford & Area (or Special Olympics - Stratford).  All funds received must be forwarded immediately to the Treasurer, Steve Wray, for deposit in the SOO - Stratford & Area bank account.


Insurance is required for all SOO - Stratford & Area sports, tournaments and events.  This can be arranged through Jane Larkworthy, Registrar.

Organizing a Tournament

Detailed information is available on the Southwest website here: SOO Competitions.